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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ayurvedic Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis- Hepatitis B


According to Ayurveda, Liver is a seat of metabolism. It is responsible for metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, hormones, fats, vitamins, minerals, neurotransmitters.  By metabolism we mean, the liver is responsible for transformation and degradation of one molecule into another. Natural treatment of liver cirrhosis focuses on clearing the accumulated toxins, viruses, healing the damaged liver cells and improving the capability and capacity of healthy liver cells. 

The liver works like an immigration officer who checks every single person who enters the country and allows him to enter only after proper verification. Similarly if the body is flooded with toxins, the liver tries to eliminate them. The drugs, viruses, bacteria, preservatives, additives, synthetic chemicals which all put in our mouth as food go to liver after digestion in intestines. 

After digestion, the intestines send all the material into the blood and that all blood carries everything to the liver. Liver separates, metabolizes various molecules and sends them to the respective places, organs in the body where the molecules are utilized. 

If there are too many toxins, too much alcohol, too many bacteria or viruses which come in the body by any means, the liver first handles them by trying to convert them into lesser harmful molecules and then neutralizes them., but liver has a capacity. If the inflow of toxins, viruses, drugs or alcohol is too much, then the liver cells start to give up.
The liver cells swell and start to die because of toxins overload.


Ayurveda explains that all diseases are caused due to imbalance of tridosha i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. The liver is seat of Pitta. Due to too much consumption of “pitta vitiating” foods ( spices, alcohol, drugs, infections) the liver function is disturbed and liver cells are damaged leading to liver cirrhosis. 

Pandu ( anemia), Kaamla  ( Kumbh, Halimak, Paanki – various types of Kaamla ) are different stages showing various signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis. The treatment consists of bitter herbs which are proven to be very helpful in all these situations. The Yakrit plihantak Churna is a classical Ayurvedic formulation which helps to clear jaundice, reduce elevated enzymes like SGOT, SGPT, Alanine phosphatase and helps in liver cirrhosis. The other liver cirrhosis remedies help to clear accumulated fluid, ascites, edema. Following Ayurvedic treatment for liver cirrhosis is suggested for all patients 

1. Yakrit Plihantak churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily – or boil 1 teaspoonful of powder in about 20 ml of water, until the water remains 50 ml only. Filter and add sugar to taste and consume twice daily. Make this twice daily and use fresh.
2. Tab. Arogyavardhni Vati – 2 twice daily
3. Punarnava mandur tablets – 2 twice daily
4. Syp. Amlycure DS – 2 teaspoonful twice daily  ( or Tablet Amlycure ds – 2 twice daily )
5. Tab. Cytozen – 2 twice daily
6. Cap. Liver detox – 2 twice daily
7. Cap. Indian Echinacea  - 2 twice daily
8. Tab. Punarnava Mandur – 2 twice daily

If the patient is not able to swallow all the tablets, then all these tablets can be crushed and put in the decoction of Yakrit plihantak and boiled an consumed together ( in 50 ml water ). The contents of capsules can also be poured into the decoction. 

9. Mixture of the following
Mukta pishti – 2 gm
Kalmegh Navayas Loh- 5 gm
Akik Pishti – 5 gm
Kamdudha Ras-  5 gm
Praval Pishti – 5 gm
Jahar Mohra Pishti-  5 gm
Giloy Satv – 10 gm
Kaharawa Pishti- 5 gm
Swarn Makshik Bhasma – 5 gm
Tapyadi Loh – 5 gm

Mix all of these together, Make 60 packs of all of these, consume 1 sachet,twice daily, after meals with honey

All these Ayurvedic remedies mentioned above help a lot to fight liver cirrhosis and make an effective ayurvedic treatment for liver cirrhosis. The results are evident within few days of usage, about 4-6 of using these combination of ayurvedic preparations.

The treatment of Liver cirrhosis is permanent and the results can be seen only after about 10-15 days of treatment. 

All these can be procured by writing an e mail at - or by calling him at +91-9915593604

What is Liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is the term given to a condition of liver in which many of the liver cells are already dead and shrunk and very few are working to compensate. It is just like a factory in which earlier there were 1000 employees working and now only 100 are working but the workload is the same. 

It is not possible to regenerate the dead liver cells but it is possible using ayurvedic treatment methods and some herbs by which the 100 working people skills can be enhanced and slowly their population is increased so that it becomes back to nearly normal. So that the liver is able to do its routine work. 

Liver cirrhosis causes 

2. Viral attacks of Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E 
3. Misuse of Chemical drugs 
4. Too much use of chemical rich diet 

The most common cause of Liver cirrhosis is Alcohol and Viral hepatitis. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to liver damage and ultimately liver cirrhosis. The hepatitis B and C also become negative after using these remedies for about 1 month or so. Contact for more details - or Contact at +91-9915593604

Symptoms of Liver cirrhosis 

There are many signs and symptoms of Liver cirrhosis. These are -

Spider angiomata or spider nevi
Palmar erythema
Muehrcke's lines
Hypoalbuminemia – Low production of albumin protein by the liver leading to accumulation of fluid, edema.
Terry's nails - proximal two-thirds of the nail plate appears white with distal one-third red, also due to hypoalbuminemia
Clubbing  of nails– Flat nails i..e angle between the nail plate and proximal nail fold  is gone and is more than 180 degrees.
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy – Painful bone conditions.
Dupuytren's contracture- Shortening of inner soft tissue of the hands leading to contraction and deformities of the fingers. It is caused due to disorderly collagen deposits because of liver failure.
GynecomastiaIt is appearance of female characters in males, i.e. increased breast size due to non-metabolism of estrogen (Female hormone) 
Hypogonadism- Impotence and decreased size of sex organs because of no metabolism of sex hormones by the liver. 
Liver size – The liver size is shrunken but can be enlarged in some cases because of fatty deposits. 
Splenomegaly - (increase in size of the spleen)- Caused by congestion of the red pulp as a result of portal hypertension.
Ascites – Ascites is accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.  Approx. 1500 ml fluid is necessary to detect flank dullness observation. Ultrasound is also done to know the presence of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Various ayurvedic remedies like Punarnava Mandur help to get rid of fluid retention due to liver cirrhosis. 
Caput medusa appearance of veins around naval. This happens in portal hypertension, i.e. when the blood pressure is much more in the vein carrying blood to the liver.  All the collateral veins dilate as the blood from main vein - portal vein is not going through it but going through veins around naval 

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten murmur. Venous hum heard in epigastric region (on examination by stethoscope) because of collateral connections between portal system and the periumbilical veins in portal hypertension.

Fetor hepaticus – Dimethyl sufulfide is a compound that accumulates if the liver is not working properly and in failure stage. This leads to a typical odor from the person’s breath called Fetor hepaticus.

Jaundice – The pigment bilirubin levels is  increased and gives yellow discoloration to the skin, eyes, mucus membranes. Urine also appears dark. The Yakrit plihantak churna formulation is a blend of ayurvedic herbs which quickly clears the jaundice.

Asterixis - Bilateral asynchronous flapping of outstretched, dorsiflexed hands seen in patients with hepatic encephalopathy.

Other symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis include weakness, fatigue, weight loss, edema and anorexia
As the disease progresses, complications may develop. In some people, these may be the first signs of the disease.

Bleeding, bruising may also result from decreased production of coagulation factors. 

Itching is also there because of deposition of bile salts in the skin. 

Accumulation of ammonia leads, urea and other nitrogenous substances in the blood leads to disturbance in the brain function also. This is called Hepatic encephalopathy. This affects patient’s personal appearance. The patient does not respond well and become unresponsive, forgetful, lack of concentration and disturbed sleeping pattern. 

The liver is not able to process the medicines and other drugs also. This leads to accumulation of medicines and their slower excretion from the body leading to adverse drug reactions and side effects of drugs. 
Liver cancer is another reason for liver cirrhosis. This is also having high mortality rate. 


Portal hypertension -  The blood ( coming from intestines and spleen)  from the hepatic portal vein flows slowly and the pressure increases leading to following complications

Ascites – Accumulation of fluid into abdominal cavity is called ascites. The fluid leaks through blood vessels into the abdominal cavity due to increased portal vein pressure.

Esophageal varices - collateral portal blood flow through vessels in the stomach and esophagus (Portacaval anastomosis). These blood vessels may become enlarged and are more likely to burst.

Liver cirrhosis causes problems in other organs as well - 

Cirrhosis can cause immune system dysfunction, leading to infection. The infection may be difficult to diagnose as there are many overlapping signs and symptoms and not really specific. For example worsening encephalopathy without fever.

Fluid in the abdomen – The abdominal fluid may become infected – spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. The bacteria are normally present in intestines and they may spread out to cause infection in the accumulated fluid.
Hepatorenal syndrome - insufficient blood supply to the kidneys, causing acute renal failure. This complication has a very high mortality (over 50%).

Hepatopulmonary syndrome - blood bypassing the normal lung circulation (shunting), leading to cyanosis and dyspnea  (shortness of breath), characteristically worse on sitting up.

Portopulmonary hypertension –  The pressure in lungs is increased because of portal hypertension leading to breathlessness.
Portal hypertensive gastropathy – Changes in mucosa of stomach due to portal hypertension and severe liver cirrhosis.

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