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Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to avoid Dialysis by Ayurvedic Herbs – Dr. Vikram Chauhan- MD (Ayurveda)

How to avoid Dialysis by Ayurvedic Herbs 

Yes, there are possible ways where the dialysis can be avoided in many kidney conditions and with proper care and use of ayurvedic herbs. The levels of creatinine or urea can be reduced. In most of the cases, the kidneys fail due to uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled blood pressure and prolonged use of synthetic drugs leading to chronic renal failure and there is no option left other than Dialysis to reduce the toxins load but there are certain herbs which can be used to avoid this situation. 

Ayurvedic medicines help to avoid dialysis and reduce creatinine levels 

There are some herbs which have been found to be very useful in reducing the load on kidneys and help in reducing the toxins levels. The herbs help to reduce creatinine levels quickly. They also help to reduce urea levels and improve hemoglobin of the person who is suffering from renal failure because any reason. These herbs not only help to reduce the toxins levels but also help to restore the functions of the kidneys slowly. The major herbs are Varunadi Vati, Mutrakrichantak Churna, Rencure formula and Punarnava mandur – described here   

Dialysis (from Greek dialusis,"διάλυσις", meaning dissolution, dia, meaning through, and lysis, meaning loosening or splitting) is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is used primarily to provide an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure.

Is it a permanent relief or a temporary measure – 

During the dialysis a machine is doing the work of kidneys and it is attached with the arteries with the help of a canula to perform the function of the kidneys for a while. It takes about 3-4 hrs. to complete the process and the machine helps to filter the toxins which is usually the job of kidneys. 

This is not a permanent solution of the problem. One time dialysis reduces the toxins load a little bit and reduces the creatinine and urea levels. After a few days, the level of toxins increases again and the patient needs the dialysis again. This process is repeated until and unless the patient gets a new kidney from a donor. The process is painful and expensive and bothersome. 

Kidney is a filtering organ in our body. Too many toxins or too much harm to the kidneys are the major reason for its failure. These are usually underlying diseases – Diabetes and blood pressure which lead to chronic kidney failure. These 2 are the major reasons for chronic renal failure. The other reasons can be prolonged use of synthetic drugs like Zyloric ( Allopurinol) and other synthetic medicines. 

Reduced blood flow to the kidneys due to shrinking of kidney arteries is also one of the reasons for kidney failure. 
Autoimmune diseases like glomerulonephritis and nephritic syndrome can also lead to acute renal failure. 

There are several tests which are done to check the functionalities of kidneys. These are blood evaluation of serum urea and creatinine, electrolytes evaluation, hormonal exams and many other blood tests to know if the patient is really in kidney failure stage. 

Edema – Swelling over ankles, face and reduced urine output 
General weakness 
Loss of Appetite 
Lack of concentration due to increased urea and creatinine 
Heart Arrythmias – irregular heart beat due to high potassium levels in blood 

Increased levels of potassium are usually associated with kidney failure patients. This can lead to serious problems if not controlled. The diet plays an important role in keeping the potassium under control. Here is a list of some Potassium rich foods which should be avoided if you are suffering from kidney failure – 
Purnes, Dates, Spinach,Peanuts, Raisins, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Pears, Oranges, banana, Lima beans, Baked Potatoes, Kiwi fruit, Melons, Milk

Hemodialysis (also haemodialysis) is a method that is used to achieve the extracorporeal removal of waste products such as creatinine and urea and free water from the blood when the kidneys are in a state of renal failure. Hemodialysis is one of three renal replacement therapies (the other two being renal transplant and peritoneal dialysis). An alternative method for extracorporal separation of blood components such as plasma or cells is apheresis.

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a treatment for patients with severe chronic kidney disease. The process uses the patient's peritoneum in the abdomen as a membrane across which fluids and dissolved substances (electrolytes, urea, glucose, albumin and other small molecules) are exchanged from the blood. Fluid is introduced through a permanent tube in the abdomen and flushed out either every night while the patient sleeps (automatic peritoneal dialysis) or via regular exchanges throughout the day (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis).

The serum creatinine levels are measured in mg/dl and also in μmol/litre in some European countries.  One mg/dl of creatinine is 88.4 μmol/l.
The reference range for serum creatinine are 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dl (about 45-90 μmol/l) for women and 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dl (60-110 μmol/L) for men
The blood urea nitrogen (BUN, pronounced "B-U-N") test is a measure of the amount of nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea, and a measurement of renal function. Urea is a by-product from metabolism of proteins by the liver and is removed from the blood by the kidneys.
20-40 mg / dl is considered normal range. 

Ayurvedic way to avoid dialysis 

There are certain ayurvedic herbs which are helpful in treatment of kidney failure and reducing urea and creatinine levels. There are helpful in reducing the load on kidneys and help to avoid dialysis in a natural way. 
The herbs are purely natural and the results are evident within a few days of treatment as they also help to improve overall health and get rid of general weakness. 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan – MD  ( Ayurveda ) has been treating kidney failure patients successfully. He chose harder way to search for herbs and other alternative ways to get rid of this deadly disease rather than just installing a few dialysis machines to make things easier. The results are encouraging as many patients benefited after using these herbs and there was no dialysis needed in many cases after few months of usage of these Ayurvedic formulations. 
The patients who were treated had reduced creatinine levels and sometimes there were miracles like the creatinine levels coming down from dangerous levels to normal levels and the dialysis was avoided in such patients. 

The following outcomes are reported with the renal failure patients 

1. Decreased visits to a dialysis clinics or total avoidance of dialysis
2. The improved urine output 
3. Improved hemoglobin levels 
4. Relief in general weakness and improved strength 
5. Relief from body pains, improved appetite and overall clinical health

These herbs do not put burden on kidneys but help them to repair themselves by giving them time to rest. 
The herbs neutralize the toxins within the blood itself thereby reducing the total burden on kidneys. 
We also provide proper diet chart to help reduce the kidney burden
The herbs also help the liver to share the burden of kidneys and neutralize the urea and creatinine effectively so that the kidneys are relieved of the stress. 

Which herbs are used in the process to avoid dialysis  

The herbs used come in combination of herbal supplements in the name of Mutrakrichantak Churna, Rencure formula, Punarnava mandur and Varunadi Vati. The whole combination is named as “revive kidneys package” and can be seen Here.  
There herbs are time tested and are very useful and used in Ayurvedic medicines from last 5000 years. 

Diet to be Avoided in Chronic kidney disease

Main aim of dietary plan is to decrease load on kidney by eliminating food that produces lot of by-products which in turn need to be filtered by kidney, especially the high protein diet. The high potassium diet ( high Kalium) diet should also be avoided. 
 The diet should be followed as per individual’s body type, prakriti analysis and disease history. 

Who should use the herbal medicines to avoid dialysis

1. If the kidneys are functioning up to or more than 20 % ( Chronic kidney failure), there is a good chance of recovery and these patients should start the treatment. There are fair chances of revival and the patient should use the revive kidneys package. 
2. Acute kidney failure 
3. Inflammatory conditions of the kidneys 
4. Renal cysts
5. Renal stones
6. Nephrotic syndrome 
7. Nephritis 
8. Diabetic nephropathy ( Kidney failure due to diabetes ) 
9. Kidney failure due to blood pressure 
10. Kidney problems due to synthetic drugs prolonged usage 
11. People who are already on Dialysis and want to avoid dialysis and want better lifestyle.

Can these herbs be consumed along with Dialysis and ongoing treatments ?

Yes, These herbs can be consumed if the patient is already on dialysis and already taking treatments. 

For questions and sending your documents / reports, visit our website and go to contact us page and send us all your queries along with your history or call Customer Care ! We will connect you to one of our doctors or even Dr. Vikram Chauhan – MD (Ayurveda ) 


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dear sir;
    My mothers age is 70 yrs, her serum urea is 155 mg%; creatinine 6.46% HB is 5.8 gm%; adenosine deaminase is 73.7. me to choose effective treatnment.

    1. You can let her start with Revive kidney pack. Visit - or mail me at

  2. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Dear sir my father;s age is 53 years first we found his cretinine level in 17-05-2012 that time his cretinine level is 2.0 after that on 14-08-2012 1.9 after this we checked his cretinine month by month some time it goes low and some time it goes high last month his cretinine levl is 4.7 urea is 95 & this month It comes on 5.7 and urea is 75. he has diabitise as well and also hypertension. sir plz help us kindly give me some good medicine

    1. You can let him start with Revive kidney pack along with Sarpagandhaghana vati. Visit - or mail me at for other health queries. You can contact here for your medicines -01725214030

  3. Dear sir my father;s age is 58 years first we found his cretinine level in 17-06-2013 that time his cretinine level is 3.0 after that on 14-08-2013 4.5 after this we checked his cretinine month by month some time it goes low and some time it goes high last month his cretinine levl is 5.5 urea is 80 & this month It comes on 8.47 and urea is 102. he has diabitise as well and also thyrod. sir plz help us kindly give me some good medicine

    1. You can let him start with Revive kidney pack along with Sarpagandhaghana vati and diabeta capsule. Also keep giving ongoing allopathic treatment.

      Visit - or mail me at for other health queries. You can contact here for your medicines -01725214030

  4. सर, मेरा नाम सतीश चन्द्र भास्कर है । मैं 50 साल का हूँ मुझे किडनी की समस्या है इस बार जब मैं पी0जी0आई0 ज्ञ था तो डॉ ने खा की आपका क्रिएटिनिन (3.0) बढ़ा हुआ है । उन्होने मुझे डायालिसीस करवाने की सलाह दी है एम्स हॉस्पिटल मे। मैं बहुत गरीब आदमी हू इतना पैसा नहीं है की डायालिसीस करवा करवा सकू । आपसे यह निवेदन है की मुझे डायालिसीस न करवाना पड़े । कोई तरकीब बताइये के क्रिएटिनिन भी कंट्रोल हो जाए। please help

    1. Start with Revive kidney pack along with ongoing allopathic treatment.

      Visit - or mail me at for other health queries. You can contact here for your medicines -01725214030

